
Delhi resumes registration of electric vehicle: Delhi transport minister

The transport department reported in May that the electric vehicle policy in Delhi had so far met almost 86% of its goals and objectives.
PrashantPrashant9-Aug-23 1:33 PM
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Delhi resumes registration of electric vehicle: Delhi transport minister

The registration of

electric vehicles

has resumed, according to Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot, who also highlighted that the current policy's subsidy advantages will remain till a new one is introduced.

According to clause 31 of the Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy, which was published on August 7, 2020, the policy "shall stay effective for a period of three years from the day of issue."

With the policy's expiration on August 7 of this year, the registration of new automobiles was halted.

Gahlot, however, stated in an official message that the draught Cabinet note has been authorised and the procedure for extending the electric car policy has begun.

The registration of electric vehicles at RTOs has resumed, Gahlot tweeted on Wednesday. Until the new policy is announced, the present Delhi EV policy's subsidy advantages will remain in effect. We are devoted to serving Delhi's residents under the direction of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

The transport department reported in May that the electric vehicle policy in Delhi had so far met almost 86% of its goals and objectives.

A stakeholder consultation was also held in May by the transport department and the Delhi Electric Vehicle Cell as part of the process of revising the "Delhi EV Policy 2.0."

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