
CREST starts building EV charging stations as authorities take time to give approval

The MC will now discuss the subject during its meeting, which will take place on October 17. According to its proposal, the MC was asked to grant 32 parking spaces at six different locations.
PrashantPrashant9-Oct-23 2:45 PM
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CREST starts building EV charging stations as authorities take time to give approval

The Chandigarh Renewable Energy and Science and Technology Promotion Society (CREST) has already begun building the


charging stations which were earlier rejected by the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation. The proposal was to install the e-chargers in the paid parking spaces.

The MC House had requested further information regarding the proposal during its meeting in July. Since then, despite CREST's efforts to install charging stations in specific parking lots, this issue has remained dormant.

The administration once more instructed the civic organisation to offer sites at parking lots later in August. The MC House will now discuss the subject during its meeting, which is slated to take place on October 17. According to its proposal, the Municipal Corporation was asked to grant 32 parking spaces at six different locations on the basis of a revenue-sharing plan.

“The project is being worked on by CREST. Simply put, official consent must be obtained. Since the plan has been submitted in writing to the MC, as opposed to before when we were just orally asked to provide locations, it will be approved at this month's meeting,” an MC official said.

The Administration has made significant efforts to promote the use of electric vehicles, although the city's infrastructure is still insufficient. Despite the rise in charging stations over the past few months, many of them are still inactive. The electric vehicle policy implemented by the UT Administration on September 20 of last year has encountered a number of difficulties. In the second week of this month, it will be examined.

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